being bad dudes...
over the spring time my sister convinced me to join up in an ultimate frisbee (think a mix of football/soccer/basketball) league with her and her friends... having only played no more than two other times in my life at college, i decided, what the hell...
now zip back in time about 3-4 years when i was in this monumental (well, i'd like to pretend it was) rawk band called the optionals.. we did this little tour called A.I.R (asians in rock) tour around mi and in clevland with a couple other bands - jenny choi and kris racer. kris was this asian indie-rocker who not only rocked his acoustic guitar but did it sitting in a chair that he would tip back and forth side to side, at times balancing on one chair leg... it was amazing enough to make it into one of those cirque de soliel (sp?) shows, as he never did fall...
in any case, back to the present, i come to find out that kris knew my sister through frisbee and that he would be on my team... small fucking world i say...
so a couple weeks ago hazen, j, and i headed out to the empty bottle to see kris play again... i was a little sad to see that he had traded his acrobatic chair routine for some new delay pedals, but listening to his new material, it seemed to be the right choice... he did have some marching antics that sufficed my antic-wanting-need.. keep up the good music kris... he has a new album coming out soon, so check his website (it's currently down) for it...
the other highlight of the night was finding an old Bad Dudes arcade machine... i hadn't played this game in decades... i remember playing it on the NES back in the day when i was 8 or something... this was a pleasant surprise... hazen and i geared up in our torn white and pea green jeans and jean jackets... threw on the black leather gloves and were ready to kick some ass...
lucky for us, janelle had an exhorborant amount of quarters stashed away like fort knox in her purse... she paid out quarters like we had just rolled a 777... thanks to this, hazen and i were able to battle our way through levels of baddies and bosses (including the many quarter eater bosses) and save the president... it was a tough battle, but about $5+ dollars later, the president was safe and we were heroes... we then took the president out for hamburgers (you'd have to beat it to understand..)...
As proof, i've included a photo of hazen and i with the pres: (note the hamburger in his left hand):